Instructor-Led Courses
CCSA offers a variety of health and safety courses ranging in length from 2 hours to multiple days. Each course has a specific focus on long-term care and seniors supportive living/lodges.
To learn more about the course, click on the course name. To sign up, click on “In-Person” or “Virtual” within the course description.
If you need some help figuring out what workshop to take or Not sure who to send for training,
please check out our Course Participant Guidelines or Contact the CCSA and let us help you develop a plan.
Auditor Training (AT-02)

NOTE: You MUST successfully complete the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Course within 6 months prior to taking the Auditor Training Course.
Step 1: Complete The Auditor Training Orientation course, a 30-minute Free OnDemand Course not later than 30 days before taking the Instructor-Led Auditor Training.
Step 2: AuditSoft training MUST also be completed before attending the class and your certificate submitted to
- Part of the AuditSoft training will require you to download the AuditSoft application. After downloading the AuditSoft application and creating an account, you must request an evaluation license from the home page by clicking on GET NEW LICENSE and then finding the Continuing Care Safety Association (CCSA) in the list of Safety Partners. Once you have selected CCSA, in the Legal name of the company to be audited type in, EVALUATION then click Submit Request.
Hazard Assessment & Control (HA-02)

This 4-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course focuses on the identification, assessment, and control of hazards (the things at work that cause you to get hurt). During the first half of the course, you explore the fundamental concepts of hazard assessment through activities and classic lecture. In the second half, you go step-by-step through the creation of a formal hazard assessment specific to your site. By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, as well as a customized formal hazard assessment ready for implementation the moment you return to work.
This course will also be available in a 2-hour on-demand format.
Hazards & Inspections (HA-WI-02)

Join our 6-hour instructor-led workshop, available in-person or virtually, to explore the topics of Hazard Assessment and Worksite Inspections. Learn how to identify, assess, and control workplace hazards and perform effective inspections to keep your work environment safe.
During the first half of the course, you explore the fundamental concepts of hazard assessment through activities and classic lectures. Go step-by-step through the creation of a formal hazard assessment specific to your site.
During the second half of the course, examine the theory behind proper inspections and then preform worksite inspection activities under the guidance of an instructor. You will have the background knowledge and the experience to do inspections that make a positive difference to the safety of your workplace.
Enroll now and master two of the most effective proactive steps toward a safer workplace!
Health & Safety Committee / Representative (HSC-02)

This ~6-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course meets legislative course requirements that Health and Safety Committee members can take to assist them in understanding their roles and responsibilities. Get an overview of all topics related to being an effective Health and Safety Committee including safety culture, hazard assessment, work site inspections, incident investigation, laws, writing an employer recommendation, terms of reference, and how to be an effective committee, among many others.
Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis (II-RC-02)

This 6-hour scheduled on-line course examines what to do after an incident at work to ensure something similar doesn’t happen again.
The first part of the course examines the theory behind incident investigation and then walks through the steps of the investigation process under the guidance of an instructor.
This second part of the course dives deeper into root cause analysis. Incident investigations cannot be successful without discovering the fundamental source of the incident: the Root Cause.
This highly interactive course provides participants with hands-on guidance to practice and hone their skills in conducting effective incident investigations and recognizing root cause. Participants will be given the opportunity to use their actual, site-specific incident investigations to determine the root cause of an incident or, if preferred, your CCSA Consultant can provide incident scenarios for you to use in this course. By the end of the course, you will view incidents through a new lens, and you’ll have important knowledge and skills to help make your workplace safe, no matter what your role in the investigation process.
Managing Workplace Violence and Aggression (MVA-02)

This 4-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course addresses the serious topic of violence at the workplace and how to prevent it. As per best practice, we embrace a holistic, team-based philosophy and use group activities that facilitate openness, cooperation, and discussion. Under an instructor’s guidance, you will synthesize violence prevention theory with the realities of your workplace and tune-up critical skills like active listening and de-escalation. By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and mindset you need to reduce the risk of violence and harassment for yourself and those around you.
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention - Manual Materials Handling (MMH-02)

Components required to participate in the course: stable internet; 2 devices (laptop, tablet, smart TV, smartphone); shelves, boxes, for lifting and a cart or dolly for pushing/pulling.
Note: You must complete The Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Orientation course, a 60-min Free OnDemand Course, not later than 30 days before taking scheduled Instructor-Led Training.
This 2-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course focuses on how to safely lift and manipulate OBJECTS. WCB data shows that sprains and strains are the leading injuries in the healthcare sector every year. Lifting and moving with proper body mechanics –both in and outside of work –greatly impact injury reduction. Examine the theory behind musculoskeletal injuries and then practice the most common lifts with coaching by an instructor. By the end of the course, you will have a good sense of the why and the how of safe lifting. Take what you learned and use it in your daily life.
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention - Safe Resident Handling (SRH-02)

Components required to participate in the course: stable internet; 2 devices (laptop, tablet, smart TV, smartphone); 2 volunteers (if you are attending on your own) 1 to act as a patient and 1 to assist with lifting activities and/or videoing); electric bed, slider sheets, transfer belt, wheelchair and lift (if used in your community).
Note: You must complete The Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Orientation course, a 60-min Free OnDemand Course, not later than 30 days before taking scheduled Instructor-Led Training.
This 2-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course focuses on how to safely lift and physically manipulate PEOPLE. The highest risk activities that a healthcare worker can do involves moving patients and residents. Lifting and moving with proper body mechanics has a huge impact on injury reduction. Examine the theory behind musculoskeletal injuries then practice the most common lifts with coaching by an instructor. By the end of the course, you will have a good sense of the why and the how of safe lifting. Take what you learned and use it in your daily life.
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention - Combo MMH & SRH (MIPCombo-02)

Components required to participate in the course: stable internet; 2 devices (laptop, tablet, smart TV, smartphone); 2 volunteers (if you are attending on your own) 1 to act as a patient and 1 to assist with lifting activities and/or videoing); electric bed, slider sheets, transfer belt, wheelchair and lift (if used in your community); shelves, boxes, for lifting and a cart or dolly for pushing/pulling.
Note: You must complete The Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Orientation course, a 60-min Free OnDemand Course, not later than 30 days before taking scheduled Instructor-Led Training.
This 3-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course focuses on the how to safely lift and physically manipulate both PEOPLE and OBJECTS. It covers the same content as the Manual Materials Handling Workshop and Safe Resident Handling Course. WCB data shows that every year, sprains, and strains are the leading injury in the healthcare sector. Lifting and moving with proper body mechanics both in and outside of work has a huge impact on the reduction of those injuries. Examine the theory behind musculoskeletal injuries and then practice the most common lifts with coaching by an instructor. By the end of the course, you will have a good sense of all of the techniques needed to move both people and objects. Take what you learned and use it in your daily and work life.
Occupational Health And Safety Management Systems: Basics for Auditors (OHSMS-02)

This 2-day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course is the first workshop you take on your way to becoming a Certificate of Recognition (COR) Auditor. Under the guidance of an instructor, explore the 10 elements of a health and safety system and the legislative requirements surrounding them. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you will complete an open-book competency exam and achieve a score of 80 percent or more. Successful completion of this course gives you the foundation for success in the CCSA Auditor Program.
Respirator Fit Tester Training (RFT-02)

NOTE: You must complete the Respirator Fit Tester Orientation , a 30-minute Free OnDemand Course, not later than 30 days before taking the Instructor-Led Respirator Fit Tester Training.
After completing the Respirator Fit Tester Orientation part, you are ready to put your learnings to the test. You will refresh your memory on theory before tackling the ultimate challenge: donning and doffing the N95 respirator, user seal check, comfort assessment, and fit testing. With an engaging instructor by your side for 3.5-hours via Zoom, you’ll get valuable feedback and demos to nail the proper technique.
Prepare for an In-Depth Look at Respiratory Protection:
- The importance of respiratory protection and how to test for proper fit
- How airborne diseases spread and techniques for self-protection
- Laws and standards that pertain to respiratory protection programs
- Different types of respirators, how to choose them, and how to maintain them
- Essential components of a respiratory protection program
- Hands-on training in the art of qualitative fit testing (QLFT)
IMPORTANT! Respirator Fit Tester Training consists of three parts:
- Part I: a 30-minute eLearning theory component, Respirator Fit Tester Orientation;
- Part II: a 3.5-hour virtual Instructor-Led training and review;
- Part III: a 1,5-2-hour practical component (virtual or in-person, no additional cost for this part) that demonstrates a qualitative fit test during a 1:1 session with a CCSA Health and Safety Consultant.
This course is particularly relevant to industries such as healthcare, where respiratory protection is essential.
The Respirator Fit Tester Training doesn’t certify participants to train others to be fit testers, nor does it qualify participants to conduct fit testing as a paid service. Successful program completion enables learners to fit test their colleagues within their organization.
Safety Leadership Module I: Introduction to Health and Safety Leadership (SL1-02)

Effective and accountable leadership is an essential component of an organization’s health and safety program. To make safety a reality, every leader must have a desire to make the workplace safe for all that enter. It’s no secret –leaders have a greater responsibility for safety than anyone else in the organization. How they demonstrate the importance of safety can significantly impact outcomes. Each of the three modules in the health and safety leadership program is designed to give you the information and skills to establish and support an effective occupational health and safety system. Explore the development of a safety culture from three perspectives –programs, individuals, and teams –and embed safety throughout all levels of the organization. Note: employers wishing to package all three modules together into one three-day program must submit a Private Training request.
Module1: Introduction to Health and Safety Leadership
This ~7-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course explores the legalities of establishing an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) so you can quickly and efficiently adjust in the ever-changing environment of continuing care. Find out how to integrate strategic planning, change management and strategic communications within your OHSMS to help introduce and sustain successful change.
Safety Leadership Module II: Leading Individual Safety Performance (SL2-02)

Effective and accountable leadership is an essential component of an organization’s health and safety program. To make safety a reality, every leader must have a desire to make the workplace safe for all that enter. It’s no secret –leaders have a greater responsibility for safety than anyone else in the organization. How they demonstrate the importance of safety can significantly impact outcomes. Each of the three modules in the health and safety leadership program is designed to give you the information and skills to establish and support an effective occupational health and safety system. Explore the development of a safety culture from three perspectives –programs, individuals and teams –and embed safety throughout all levels of the organization. Note: employers wishing to package all three modules together into one three-day program must submit a Private Training request.
Module 2: Leading Individual Safety Performance
This ~7-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course examines the significant impact your relationship with your employees has on the culture of safety within your organization. Explore the theory and application of leading individuals through change, motivating employees to adopt a safety culture, positively reinforcing safe work behaviours, and providing positive corrective feedback.
Safety Leadership Module III: Effective Team Leadership (SL3-02)

Effective and accountable leadership is an essential component of an organization’s health and safety program. To make safety a reality, every leader must have a desire to make the workplace safe for all that enter. It’s no secret –leaders have a greater responsibility for safety than anyone else in the organization. How they demonstrate the importance of safety can significantly impact outcomes. Each of the three modules in the health and safety leadership program is designed to give you the information and skills to establish and support an effective occupational health and safety system. Explore the development of a safety culture from three perspectives –programs, individuals, and teams –and embed safety throughout all levels of the organization. Note: employers wishing to package all three modules together into one three-day program must submit a Private Training request.
Module 3: Effective Team Leadership
This ~7-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course studies the concept that programs and policies are only as good as the level of team buy-in. To achieve this, employees need to see that safety is important to all leaders within your organization. In this final module, you will focus on creating and maintaining a visible safety presence within your team. Explore theory and practical exercises that focus on team dynamics, successful team safety structures, and visible actions that bring safety information to teams.
The Working Mind for Frontline Employees (WME-02)

The Working Mind for Frontline Employees is a six-hour evidence-based training that aims to help people in their places of work reduce stigma toward mental health. The course provides participants with tools to identify mental health changes in themselves and equips them with tools to start trauma-informed conversations about mental health.
TWM program aims to help individuals maintain their wellness while also supporting others living with a mental health problem or illness in a psychologically healthy and safe work setting. This program will assist employers who are interested to adopt the Psychological Health and Safety Standard in the workplace.
Three Core Modules focus on increasing self-awareness and taking care of your own mental health.
- Module 1: Mental Health and Stigma will introduce participants to the concepts of mental health and stigma, and it will discuss the impacts of stigma on individuals living with mental health problems.
- Module 2: Mental Health in the Workplace will help recognize and keep track of changes in your mental health and well-being and know when to take appropriate actions and have conversations about mental health with colleagues and friends.
- Module 3: Stress & Resilience will discuss the impacts of stress on mental health and provide an opportunity for participants to practice the Big 4 coping strategies – proven tools to help deal with stress effectively and remain resilient.
*If you are a supervisor, manager or are in a position where you direct the activities of others please register for “The Working Mind for Mangers/Leaders”.
The Working Mind for Managers & Leaders (WMM-02)

The Working Mind for Managers and Leaders is a 7-hour virtual course that is an evidence-based that aims to help people in their places of work, reduce stigma towards mental health. The course provides participants with tools to identify mental health changes in themselves and equip them with tools to start trauma-informed conversations about mental health.
TWM program aims to help individuals maintain their wellness while also supporting others living with a mental health problem or illness in a psychologically healthy and safe work setting.
Three Core Modules offer the same foundational content to both employee and manager participants. They focus on increasing self-awareness and taking care of your own mental health. Module 4 for Managers and Leaders offers leadership-specific content and focuses on helping leaders support their teams’ mental health.
- Module 1: Mental Health and Stigma will introduce participants to the concepts of mental health and stigma, and it will discuss impacts of stigma on individuals living with mental health problems.
- Module 2: Mental Health in the Workplace will help recognize and keep track of changes in your mental health and well-being and know when to take appropriate actions and have conversations about mental health with colleagues and friends.
- Module 3: Stress & Resilience will discuss the impacts of stress on mental health and provide an opportunity for participants to practice the Big 4 coping strategies – proven tools to help deal with stress effectively and remain resilient.
- Module 4: Supporting Your Team will build on the three core modules and introduce managers with practical tools to support individual employees, and to support their team’s mental health.
Work Site Inspections (WI-02)

This 4-hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course examines work site inspections – an essential part of ensuring your workplace is safe. Examine the theory behind proper inspections and then preform a worksite inspection under the guidance of an instructor. By the end of the course, you will have the background knowledge and the experience to do inspections that make a positive difference to the safety of your workplace.
Train-the-Trainer Courses:

This 2 day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course focuses on the identification, assessment, and control of hazards (the things at work that cause you to get hurt). During the first part of the course, you explore the fundamental concepts of hazard assessment through activities and classic lecture. You will go step-by-step through the creation of a formal hazard assessment specific to your site.
The second part of this course is designed to ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Hazard Assessment workshop material to suit your organizational or facility needs. To achieve this, the focus shifts to examining how to break down and present the course content to ensure it is relevant and useful; along with key points to introduce to your participants, a variety of industry-specific examples and proven tips for setting up the course exercises.
By providing a combination of instructor-led facilitation, student participation, course work, coaching and presentation practice you will be able to demonstrate your understanding, and the requirements for delivering an effective hazard assessment & control training program. The train-the-trainer course is designed to ensure you are proficient with the course content, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, as well as able to apply comprehensive and useful educational strategies to confidently present, apply and coach participants to correctly complete effective hazard assessments for all roles within your organization.

This 3-hour in-person or scheduled online Hazard Assessment Train-the-Trainer Refresher is designed to ensure the participants are supported in delivering the workshop and updated on current Alberta OHS legislation, COR guidelines, and best practices.
Prerequisite: CCSA Certified Hazard Assessment Train-the-Trainer
It is imperative that “Trainers” go through the recertification process at a minimum every 3 years. The course content has been designed to ensure you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Hazard Assessment workshop material, and that you have a solid understanding of the hazard assessment process and the fundamentals around creating formal and site-specific hazard assessments. We will also review how to break down and present the workshop content to ensure it is relevant and useful; along with key points to introduce to your participants.
The workshop will also ensure trainers are confident and comfortable in coaching participants on how to review and participate in the formal hazard assessment reviews for their position.
To receive a certificate of completion, you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge, and complete an open-book competency exam, and achieve a score of 80 percent or more.
Successful completion of this workshop gives you the foundation for success in delivering the CCSA Hazard Assessment workshop within your organization.

This 2-day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course examines what to do after an incident at work to ensure something similar doesn’t happen again. During the first part of the course, you will examine the theory behind incident investigation then walk through the steps of the investigation process under the guidance of an instructor. You will learn how to view incidents through a new lens, and you’ll have important knowledge and skills to help make your workplace safer, no matter what your role in the investigation process.
The second part of this course ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Incident Investigation course material to suit your organizational or facility needs. To achieve this, the focus shifts to examining how to break down and present the course content to ensure it is relevant and useful; along with key points to introduce to your audience, a variety of industry-specific examples and proven tips for setting up the course exercises.
By providing a combination of instructor-led facilitation, student participation, course work, real-life Incident Investigation experience, coaching and presentation practice you will be able to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of completing effective Incident Investigations. The train-the-trainer course is designed to ensure you are proficient with the course content, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, as well as be able to apply comprehensive and useful educational strategies to confidently present, demonstrate and coach participants to correctly perform an incident investigation focused on identifying and correcting the root cause(s) to prevent future incidents.

This 3-hour In-Person or scheduled Online Incident Investigation Train-the-Trainer Refresher is designed to ensure the participants are supported in delivering the workshop and updated on current Alberta OHS legislation, COR guidelines, and best practices.
Prerequisite: CCSA Certified Incident Investigation Train-the-Trainer
It is imperative that “Trainers” go through the recertification process at a minimum every 3 years. The course content has been designed to ensure you have a solid understanding of why incident investigations are vital in identifying root causes to reduce the number of workplace injuries. The workshop will also ensure trainers are confident and comfortable in completing incident investigations, making effective recommendations, and training others in the organization on the importance.
To receive a certificate of completion, you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and complete an open-book competency exam and achieve a score of 80 percent or more.
Successful completion of this workshop gives you the foundation for success in delivering the CCSA Hazard Assessment workshop within your organization.

This 6-8 hour scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led musculoskeletal injury prevention train-the-trainer refresher is designed to ensure the participants are trained on current best practices.
Prerequisite(s): Any of the following: MIP MMH TTT; MIP S RH TTT; MIP Combo TTT taken within the last 3 years
It is imperative that “Trainers” go through the recertification process. The intent of this course is to provide you with the knowledge required to deliver the theory as well as a hands-on demonstration. The course content has been designed to ensure you are aware of any updated legislative changes and become confident and comfortable in demonstrating and coaching participants to use the S.A.F.E. handling techniques required to reduce their risk of injury.
To receive a certificate of completion, you will be required to demonstrate your safe lifting techniques and complete an open-book competency exam and achieve a score of 80 percent or more.
Successful completion of this workshop gives you the foundation for success in delivering the CCSA MIP Safe Resident and Manual Material Handling courses within your organization.

This 3 day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course is designed to ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention –Safe Resident Handling (SRH) & Manual Materials Handling (MMH) course material to suit your organization or facility needs. The intent of this course is to provide you with the knowledge required to deliver the theory as well as hands-on demonstration. The course content has been designed to ensure you become confident and comfortable in demonstrating and coaching participants to use the S.A.F.E. handling techniques required to reduce their risk of injury.
To support your practice, we provide a safe learning environment where you will demonstrate your knowledge regarding the theory behind the causes of musculoskeletal injuries and prevention techniques and take what you have learned and use it in your daily activities and work life.

This 2 day in-person or on-line course is designed to ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention – Manual Materials Handling (MMH) course material to suit your organization or facility needs. The intent of this course is to provide you with the knowledge required to deliver the theory as well as hands-on demonstration. The course content has been designed to ensure you become confident and comfortable in demonstrating and coaching participants to use the S.A.F.E. handling techniques required to reduce their risk of injury.
To support your practice, we provide a safe learning environment where you will demonstrate your knowledge regarding the theory behind the causes of musculoskeletal injuries and prevention techniques and take what you have learned and use it in your daily activities and work life.

This 3 day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course is designed to ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver the Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention –Safe Resident Handling (SRH) course material to suit your organization or facility needs. The intent of this course is to provide you with the knowledge required to deliver the theory as well as hands-on demonstration. The course content has been designed to ensure you become confident and comfortable in demonstrating and coaching participants to use the S.A.F.E. handling techniques required to reduce their risk of injury.
To support your practice, we provide a safe learning environment where you will demonstrate your knowledge regarding the theory behind the causes of musculoskeletal injuries and prevention techniques and take what you have learned and use it in your daily activities and work life.

This 2-day scheduled in-person or virtual instructor-led course examines work site inspections –an essential part of ensuring your workplace is safe. During the first part of the course, you will examine the theory behind proper inspections then perform a worksite inspection under the guidance of an instructor.
The second part of this course is designed to ensure that you are well prepared to adapt and deliver theWork Site Inspection course material to suit your organizational or facility needs. To achieve this, the focus shifts to examining how to break down and present the course content to ensure it is relevant and useful; along with key points to introduce to your participants, a variety of industry-specific examples and proven tips for setting up the course exercises.
By providing a combination of instructor-led facilitation, student participation, course work, coaching and presentation practice you will be able to demonstrate your understanding, and the requirements for delivering an effective work site inspections training program. The train-the-trainer course is designed to ensure you are proficient with the course content, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals, as well as able to apply comprehensive and useful educational strategies to confidently present, demonstrate and coach participants to correctly perform a work site inspection.

This 3-hour in-person or scheduled online Work Site Inspections Train-the-Trainer Refresher is designed to ensure the participants are supported in delivering the workshop and updated on current Alberta OHS legislation, COR guidelines, and best practices.
Prerequisite: CCSA Certified Work Site Inspections Train-the-Trainer
It is imperative that “Trainers” go through the recertification process at a minimum every 3 years. The course content has been designed to ensure you have a solid understanding of the work site inspection process and how work site inspections are a proactive way to reduce the risk of injuries by identifying hazards. The workshop will also ensure trainers are confident and comfortable in coaching participants on how to complete informal and formal inspections and the importance of each.
To receive a certificate of completion, you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge complete an open-book competency exam and achieve a score of 80 percent or more.
Successful completion of this workshop gives you the foundation for success in delivering the CCSA Work Site Inspections workshop within your organization.
Training Policies
While we realize scheduling conflicts occur, significant time, effort, and expense is required to organize courses. As soon as a course is confirmed, the policy regarding cancellation fees will apply. CCSA’s cancellation fees cover up-front course delivery expenses (e.g. booked transportation, etc.).
Course Cancellation Guidelines
- Course cancellations must be sent by email to the CCSA office ( CCSA will acknowledge receipt of cancellation by email. Please retain this email as it is your proof of cancellation.
- Cancellation periods indicated indicated in the Cancellation Policy are based on the course start date.
CCSA Course Cancellation
In the event that CCSA cancels a scheduled course due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., instructor illness, inclement weather, etc.), CCSA will:
- waive cancellation fees
- reschedule the course
Course Postponement, Rescheduling and Inclement Weather
Special consideration may be given for courses where a CCSA member may be required to cancel or postpone due to severe weather and/or road conditions or states of emergency.
Waiving or making exceptions to cancellation fees for extenuating circumstances (e.g., local emergency) is at the sole discretion of the Executive Director.