Supporting Families and Visitors
COVID-19 has changed the way that visitors are able to visit their loved ones in care. To support you through this transition the Continuing Care Safety Association has created some resources, to provide staff and visitors with the information they need for a safe, comfortable visit.
COVID-19: Supporting Safe Family Visitation – Online Course
CCSA is proud to bring you COVID-19: Supporting Safe Family Visitation. This self-paced, online course is intended for those who would like to visit a family member or friend residing in a long-term care home or assisted living residence, as permitted by the care home’s safety plan and regional public health direction. This course offers:
- an introduction to COVID-19
- details on where Albertans can find current and reliable COVID-19 information
- instructions on how to help slow the transmission of COVID-19, including proper hand hygiene techniques and mask wearing practices
Upon successful completion of the course and quiz, you will receive an email confirmation which includes a badge that can be printed and presented to the management personnel at the long-term care home, assisted living or seniors housing residence.
CCSA would like to acknowledge SafeCare BC for the original version of this online course.
Covid 19 has changed the way that families visit and socialize with their loved ones. Family members and visitors need to understand how to limit the risk of introducing COVID 19 into the care environment. This online course provides staff and family members information about COVID-19 from symptoms, transmission, and provides information so that they can prepare to visit their loved ones safely. To access the online course, click on the picture above.
Visitor FAQ Templates
In an effort to help organizations transition to the relaxation of visitor restrictions the CCSA has developed some resources to help make this transition safe.
These templates are designed to be customized for your organization, to answer visitors’ biggest questions and reduce the demands on care staff.
There are two templates available. Both offer the same information, but in different formats.
- The trifold pamphlet is best for printing and handing out to visitors
- The double-sided flyer is best for electronic purposes – if you linking it to your website or e-newsletter, or emailing it to potential visitors.
How to use the templates
- Download the template that works best for you.
- Fill in your organization name, address, phone number, and email in the corresponding placeholders.
- Fill in the “Released” date. Many of the answers you provide may change in the future, so this will help readers know what version they have.
- Replace the black text under each question with a response from the perspective of your organization, using “we”.
- Delete any questions not applicable to you.
- Add any questions that are applicable to you, but are not listed. Ensure to write these questions from the perspective of the visitor.
- Distribute this information to staff and visitors. This will help you ensure everyone is on the same page and that your messaging is consistent.
NOTE: The template should be completed by the organization’s director of care, or whoever is responsible for visitation rules. Refer to LINK to Alberta Health for the most up-to-date information from Alberta Health Services and the Medical Officer of Health.
Download the Trifold Pamphlet
Download the Double Sided Flyer