Partnerships in Injury Reduction
What is PIR?

Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) is a voluntary incentive program that promotes health and safety through the combined efforts of the Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta (WCB), the Alberta Government, industry partners, safety associations, employers and labour groups.
A Partner in Injury Reduction is an association, corporation or organization that commits to taking a leadership role in health and safety by entering into a formal agreement with the Alberta government. The government and each Partner sign a Memorandum of Understanding outlining the specific commitments made by each organization.
PIR is designed to encourage injury prevention and the development of effective workplace health, safety and disability management systems. All employers can participate in the PIR program and be eligible for refunds by maintaining a Certificate of Recognition (COR).
What is COR and Why Participate in it?
Performance Measures and Benefits
that can be used. The highest measure will be used to help you achieve the greatest refund.
Achieving a Certificate of Recognition (COR)
After earning a COR, you are eligible for a 10% industry rate refund for the first year and then 5% every year you maintain the COR. CCSA can help you develop a health and safety program and earn a COR.
*New COR holders will be automatically registered and eligible for PIR refunds effective the year they achieve their COR.
Improving your performance
Your performance is compared to your own historical record. You can earn industry rate refunds if you improve your claim cost performance. You will receive a 1% refund for every 1% that you improve your performance, up to a maximum of 20%. Earning a COR can help you improve your performance and achieve this measure.
Maintaining industry leadership
Your performance is compared to your industry average. You can earn refunds from 10% to the maximum of 20% if you perform significantly better than your industry average over two consecutive years.