November is slips, trips, and falls prevention month, and there are some simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and others.
First, it is important to understand that In 2020, injuries related to slips, trips and falls account for 22 per cent of injuries. Of disabling injuries related to slips, trips and falls injuries from 2016 to 2020:
• The majority were due to workers falling (83 per cent), with nearly 57 per cent of falls occurring to a floor, walkway or other surface.
• Twenty-three per cent occurred in the provincial and municipal government, education and health services sector, followed by another 20 per cent in the construction and construction trade services sector. (Government of Alberta Workplace injury, illness and fatality statistics provincial summary 2020)
In 2021, slips, trips and falls remain as one of the top 3 causes of all injuries in the continuing care and senior supportive living communities, and they can have a tremendous impact on the injured workers as well as their co-workers, families, and the people they care for.
Slips and trips happen in the workplace for many reasons, that is why it is important to also know the key factors that increase your chances of sustaining an injury, in order to reduce your risk. Some examples include:

CCSA has compiled useful tools to help you on your journey toward building an injury free workplace. Follow the links to access the resources that will help you to recognize risks in your workplace and increase your awareness on how to prevent an injury due to a slip, trip or fall.