Assessing my Program

You have developed a foundational health and safety program, let’s ensure legislative compliance. 

Evaluate Your Program Implementation

The “Start Your Program Development” foundational elements, when combined together and applied to a continuous improvement model, such as Plan-Do-Check-Act, provide the opportunity for you to monitor, evaluate and improve your program. Don’t wait until the program is fully implemented to check progress, rather consider an assessment process that allows you to check your program throughout implementation and/or at key milestones.

Health and Safety Program
Compliance 75%
  • Measure performance
  • Learn about lagging AND leading indicators
  • Conduct work site inspections
  • Investigate and analyze incidents
  • Track incidents, inspections, hazard reports, etc.

The CCSA Organization Self-Assessment Tool is an electronic assessment resource meant to help organizations determine where they are at in the development and maintenance of their health and safety management system.  The tool includes both a HSMS Foundational Assessment as well as additional assessments specifically designed to assess your Violence and Aggression Prevention Program.

To gain access to this FREE tool, please complete the form on the Register page.

The CCSA is committed to helping organizations meet legislation and improve health and safety for all workers.  The CCSA Health and Safety Program review is meant to help you identify areas for improvement in your organization’s overall health and safety program and discover any gaps that may exist that could hinder compliance with OHS legislation; both existing and new legislation.

Note: This review is meant to help you improve your workplace health and safety system and determine gaps and opportunities to better meet OHS legislation; it does not address the entirety of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulations and Code.

Compare Your Organization to the Industry

Continuing Care Industry Trends

Are you aware of how the long-term care, designated supportive living and seniors supportive living industries have performed over the last five years? This information, based on data from WCB Alberta, can help you evaluate how your organization compares to your industry.

Continue to Improve Your Program

Now that you’ve assessed your health and safety program, what are the next steps? 

  • Review performance
  • Analyze the incident summaries, work site inspection reports, etc. to identify trends
  • Create action plans
  • Act on lessons learned

What are the additional policies, processes or procedures that you should consider to ensure your program meets or exceeds legislation?

What else can you do?

  • Implement a Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) program
  • Learn about the Partnerships in Injury Reduction Program and work towards achieving your Certificate of Recognition
  • Continue tracking your health and safety activities, these are leading indicators for your health and safety program
  • Continue to training the health and safety committee members on their duties and responsibilities to ensure they are as effective as possible

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The CCSA is devoted to Alberta health and safety. Sign up for the CCSA communications to stay up-to-date on:
  • Member news
  • Health and safety news
  • WCB Alberta highlights
  • News and views from CCSA

2025 Free The Working Mind Virtual Training

This FREE training is open to everyone in continuing care, seniors’ supportive living, and healthcare settings across Alberta. 

Equip your team with:

  • Confidence to recognize mental health challenges;
  • Critical tools for stress management and resilience;
  • Strategies to maintain well-being in high-stress environments.

Don’t miss this opportunity to support your team’s mental health and provide the tools they need to thrive.

Register NOW to Secure Your Spot!